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Perspectives of Nature

1 Dec 2023

1st December 2023, 13:30-18:00, YSJ Creative Centre

A week on from Perspectives of Nature and a week to reflect and recover (mainly from the ridiculously delayed train home).

What an event! Myself, Emma and Alice were greeted in the morning with the news that Perspectives of Nature had sold out, an amazing achievement for our first ever event.

Every aspect of the day, the exhibition, the panels, performances, presentations and guest speakers were so enthusiastically received by every audience member. I would like to personally thank everyone who showed an interest in or attended the event. We put so much planning and effort into the event and to see the number of people engaging with our work was special.

I also want to thank Emma and Alice for all their support in both the collaborative work and putting on this event, it would not have been possible without you. A special thanks goes to Simon Ellwood, arts curator, Amy Langton and the York St John University Research Office, and their community creators fund, Jessica Baxter from York St John University Events, William Davidson for chairing the panels and Professor Claire Hind for chairing the contributions, Robyn Hughes-Maclean for photographing the event, Max Stephens for the beautiful performances of ‘Seasons’ and the numerous technical and other university staff and students who have supported this event. A huge thank you to everyone from Naturewrights and the writers or guest writers who read their work on the day. Thank you to all contributors who shared their research and creative work in the Recital Room.

I have already shared with many people that Perspectives of Nature will be something I fondly look back on when reflecting on my time as a PGR at York St John University. The kind and impactful words on my music by so many people throughout the day emphasised the beautiful nature of this collaborative work and the opportunities it has provided everyone involved.

My work as a PhD researcher continues, but this is a milestone. We always intended the event to be more than a showcase of our work and I hope those who attended feel inspired to be creative with nature in some capacity.

‘Journey’, the collaborative work that Perspectives of Nature was centred around, is available to explore through my website ( My compositions are available through all the usual streaming services.

There will be more upcoming PhD work from me, but for now, thank you everyone for an amazing day on 1st December.

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